We gladly accept USA PayPal payments and USA personal checks for payment. We can get most items shipped out by the next business day, to the address listed on your PayPal payment (USA addresses only). Checks usually take 2-3 days to clear (bank processing time), and then we will mail your item. Please note: if you are paying by check, we will generally reserve your items for you for 7 days.
All items are carefully packaged with protection: plates and tabs in sturdy shipping boxes reinforced with cardboard and extra bubble-wrap. Most stickers are mailed via USPS Ground Advantage, protected by cardboard.
New for 2025: You can choose free shipping (which is usually USPS Ground Advantage which can take up to a week or more), or for an extra $5.00, you can select USPS Priority Mail (which usually takes 3-5 days, sometimes a little longer).
Special Note: As of February 26, 2024, unfortunately, the Post Offices in our area are holding all outgoing mail until the next morning, and then being dispatched before our Post Office opens in the morning (or we would be there first thing to get your items scanned and processed). We will make every effort to get your item(s) to the Post Office on the same business day if we receive your payment by 1:00 p.m. - it won't actually get trucked up to Portland for further distribution until the next morning, but at least we can save a day of delivery time. We may be using UPS as a shipping option.
If you are not happy with your purchase, please let us know if you would like to send your item back. Item must be returned to us within 10 days of our UPS or USPS delivery confirmation date. Once we receive it (item must be in the original "as sold" condition), we will refund the initial cost of the item.
Please feel free to text or call us if you have any questions: texting is best: five oh three -551-3125.